Stockholm Network

The Stockholm Network is a pan-European think tank and network, located in London. In addition to its own policy research, it is an umbrella organisation for market-oriented think tanks in Europe. It has over 130 member organisations.



The organisation was founded in 1997 by Helen Disney in response to the growth in market-oriented think tanks across Europe, with the aim of providing a forum for sharing, exchanging and developing pan-European public policy research. Interested in ideas which stimulate economic growth and help people to help themselves, it promotes and raises awareness of policies which create the social and economic conditions for a free society. Its stated goals include:

Emphasising the benefits of globalisation, trade and competition and creating an understanding of free market ideas and institutions.


The Stockholm Network was founded in 1997 by Helen Disney, a former journalist and Deputy Director of the Social Market Foundation. It began with a small group of like-minded think tanks after planning meetings in London and Stockholm (from where it takes its name). It initially had staff of 3 people including Sacha Kumaria and Nicole Gray Conchar, who had previously worked as a fundraiser for numerous think tanks including the Cato Institute and the International Policy Network (IPN).

In 2008, four think tanks, out of a membership of over 130, chose to leave the voluntary membership of the Network. They are the Institute of Economic Affairs the International Policy Network, the Hayek Institut and the Venezie Institute. In 2009 The Adam Smith Institute, also left and membership was withdrawn from the Libertarian Alliance and Nurses for Reform.[1] New members include the Ohrid Institute (Macedonia), the Murray Rothbard Institute (Belgium) and Innoval (Germany).

The Stockholm Network has made efforts to be transparent regarding the sources of its funding [2], and has advocated that other think tanks should also list their funders on their websites. This would make accusations of potential conflicts of interest, or lobbying, which can be impossible to either corroborate or refute (given their often unattributed and/or unverified nature) less likely.

The Stockholm Network acts as a broad church of market-oriented think tanks with a variety of viewpoints – some of whom disagree on policy issues. The Stockholm Network has not attempted to deflect or ignore criticism of its activities, such as the recent debate over its Carbon Scenarios project, but has openly acknowledged it and sees this intellectual debate as an important part of the work of a think tank [3]".


Currently, the Stockholm Network has three programmes: The Health & Welfare Programme, the Intellectual Property & Competition Programme and the Energy & Environment Programme. Each was developed in order to further the objective of the Network in searching for practical market-oriented solutions to the endemic problems Europeans face today.

The Stockholm Network Intellectual Property & Competition Programme was established in January 2005 and aims to achieve four key objectives:

The Stockholm Network Energy & Environment Programme was created in early 2005 in order to promote a practical market-oriented approach to environmental problems. Environmental problems are critical issues for the general public and for policy makers alike. The Stockholm Network work in this programme recognises the importance of environmental policies in safeguarding future prosperity and endeavours to produce practical solutions - solutions that recognise economic realities - to environmental policy dilemmas.

The Stockholm Network's Health & Welfare Programme was established at the end of 2005. The programme has the following key aims and objectives:


Some anti-globalisation groups have criticised the SN for receiving corporate funding or being a "corporate-funded campaigning group". " Covert industry funding fuels the expansion of radical rightwing EU think tanks".

More recently, similar criticisms have also been voiced:

Alex Singleton (Daily Telegraph/Globalisation Institute): "The Stockholm Network ... called on the Government to formulate a cohesive and creative industrial policy to reverse the current trend of decline and international displacement in pharmaceutical manufacturing, even though free marketeers normally campaign against the whole concept of having industrial policies, believing that decisions about what to invest in should be left to the market." Free-market network demands bail-out for pharmaceutical industry.

Johan Norberg (Cato Institute/ex-Timbro): "The free-market group Stockholm Network demands more government funding and subsidised energy prices for the pharmaceutical industry, so that they can cope with the financial crisis. What´s next? Will free-marketeers demand nationalisation of the drug companies in return for preferred shares?" Do you have something for a sudden headache?

Stockholm Network Director Helen Disney, responded as follows:

"The Stockholm Network is not calling, and never would call, for a 'bail out' of the UK pharmaceutical industry. These words are not used anywhere in the paper being cited. The report is far from being in favour of state intervention. In fact, the authors argue for reducing corporation tax, simplifying tax rules and reducing legislation and regulation. The reference to industrial policy concerns ideas for making the UK economy more competitive in global markets."Free-market network demands bail-out for pharmaceutical industry


  1. ^ Daily Telegraph blog [1]

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